· 1 min read

Art pieces

There are museums to enjoy art. But there also are galleries, that you can visit passing by, without reservation, without queuing, without having to get a ticket. You can even get along with a gallery that usually shows exactly what you find beautiful. In Chelsea, NY, there are a lot of different galleries, you will probably find your style ;)

I wanted to share these few art pieces I liked a lot, seen at Jane Lombard Gallery with the exhibition Sites of knowledge in 2017. Using the materials to its core, these pieces evoke nature and landscape, and they took me instantly to a trip out of the city.

Promise (Site), by Simone Douglas


The Grand Library, by Guy Laramée


Written Language, by Sophie Tottie


As for the following art pieces, I didn’t get the name of their authors, which is very bad… But still, they reminded me of the architect’s work, so I hope they will make you think too. I saw them at the Museum of Arts and Design in NYC.

The following is called City Head, with its two faces:

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